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The virtual cabaret for your company/your employees/your event


It is not always possible to celebrate together on site. That doesn't mean that good entertainment cannot take place Delight your employees, your customers or simply your loved ones with a Comedy clip.

What is a Comedy clip?

Various Comedy characters consecrate themselves to your company in a video-clip (approximately10 minutes) and the messages that you would like to convey to your customers/employees/business partners/prospective retirees etc.

How does the creation of a clip work?

You choose 4-6 of your favorite characters (see also comedy characters) and give me informations about your company (industry, products, employees, etc.) or the topics the video-clip should be about.

I create the customized video clip, provide you with the download-link and you distribute it your target audience;. Alternatively, I can upload the clip on YouTube as an unlisted video and send you the relevant link.

Can the clip also be passed on beyond the company?

Of course. With the purchase you acquire the right to forwarding and publication on your channels.

From experience, such a comedy clip is often passed on by the recipient to family, friends and acquaintances and shared on social media. Last but not least, they contribute to a positive PR of your company.

How much does a comedy clip cost?

The basic package (includes gathering the informations, writing the text, shooting the video, editing and delivering the video) comes up 499 euros (excl. VAT).


What if I want more?

Of course it is also possible to order longer clips: we send even more celebrities into the race, do a more detailed team analysis, review the year in a more profound way or add musical greetings (e.g. with a Christmas carol rewritten to the company) that makes the employees sing. Price depending on the extent of the additional requirements.

For which occasions suit the comedy clips?

When a live performance is not possible or wanted, Comedy-Clips always work perfectly. Whatever event you are planning (company anniversaries, product presentations, retirements, online Christmas parties, weddings, Valentines Day or birthday-gifts, ...) I would be happy to create an individual Comedy-Clip for you. Just contact me and we will find the right option for your project.

Comedy Clip Characters

Celebrities / Parodies

  • Marko Arnautovic - Great at soccer but not a man of profound words

  • Armin Assinger - he is Mr. 'Who wants to be a Millionaire' and has the most interessting questions for you

  • Gerhard Berger - Formula 1 is what it takes, everything else is obsolete

  • Andre Heller - for the philosopher 'the real Comedy-Clip is in the head'

  • Hansi Hinterseer - Austrian Folk music and schlager music are his specialties

  • Hans Krankl - consiceres himself as indispensable. Everything else is negigible.

  • Karl Nehammer - with the current Federal Chancellor the comedy traffic light is green and we are good to go 

  • Toni Polster - the former soccer star takes it easy

  • Herbert Prohaska - for further success, the soccer analyst and former soccer player suggests a very special speaking choir for your event

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger - Hollywood flair for your Comedy-Clip: 'Hasta la vista, clip!'

  • Frank Stronach - for the successful businessman his motto is 'no cackling with the hens, but flying with the eagles'

Comedy Characters:


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